Friday, September 17, 2010

sooooo.... hi.

As you will come to find- this blog is a little wacky. We are gonna talk about whatever we want. For Steph- that's smart commentary on current events. As for my contribution, well... I'm a music girl. pure and simple. Anyone who knows me knows that I love all kinds of music-ok fine, most kinds. I'm not a country girl, but I can appreciate the sentiment in a lot of the songs. I will focus more on pop culture and keep you up to date on the really important stuff... like where the HECK did Beyonce get those shoes? or... why is there a hot pink Katy Perry standing in an ocean of cotton candy? And most importantly... Did Steven Tyler really break his hip when Joe Perry pushed him off the stage for joining the American Idol team without telling his bandmates?? You know, the earth shattering stuff that really makes you stop and think. No need to thank me, really- it's just another service I provide.

So, let's begin, shall we?

As I was pondering on who to feature first, I was assaulted with thoughts of my very favorite band. But then I was worried that people would be tired of hearing about them, so I thought perhaps I should take a different approach. But then, I thought- screw that- this is my favorite. band. ever. if people don't want to hear something, they can click the cute lil' red X at the top of the page and go about their day. You can't possibly hurt my feelings- I have a 13 yr old daughter. Bring it.

In the end, I settled on showcasing the bands that have influenced me the most.
And, because I can, I'm going to start with the band that, in my ever-so-humble opinion is the most underrated and talented band from the Mighty U.S. of A in a long time.

Here's one of my favorite songs and the video is just so funny... I think no matter how many times I see it- it always makes me giggle a little

My theme song...

an acoustic version of a great one...

another great one...

this is good too...

up and coming yumminess...

So. I trust that you have enough material here to keep you occupied for a bit..


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